How to Tell if You Are Getting Old

Every once in a while, I am struck by something that reminds me that I am getting old.

Now… to even say this, is against my very nature.  I think that I am still young.  I make a real effort to stay young in spirit, in the way I approach life, in my outlook on so many things.  Yet, every once in a while something happens that tells me that I am getting old.

For example, the other day I attended a water aerobics class.  That is a sure sign that I am getting old.

Other examples of “you know when you are getting old” include:

  • When you see on highway signs that this section of road is named after or dedicated to an individual such as “Joe Something,” and you realize that you knew Joe, worked with Joe, or were a friend of Joe’s.

  • When you see buildings — ones you remember when they were being constructed — being leveled and demolished for newer buildings.

  • When more and more people you meet begin calling you “sir.”

  • When you have 4 pairs of eyeglasses located in various different spots in your home or apartment to avoid having to remember where you left your glasses. In front of the TV, next to your bed, in the car, next to your favorite chair, on your desk, to name a few.

  • When your natural instinct is to call someone on the phone and actually talk to another human being, as opposed to sending or receiving a text message.

  • When you are standing in the subway, in an airport, or on a train or bus and someone gets up to give you their seat.

  • When you are playing pickleball or any other active sport and you sit down for a short break between games. Then, when you stand up to reengage, you realize that every muscle in your body is stiff.

I am sure that you, my readers and listeners, have other examples of how “you know when you are getting old”.  My hope is that you will share them with me and other readers and listeners in the comment section.

as Bob Hope said…


6 thoughts on “How to Tell if You Are Getting Old”

  1. This blog is entertaining, most of it true and a sign of maturity when we can admit to it all and still smile.

    Merry Christmas, Neil. And yes, o still prefer a call 📞 ,

  2. Old happens——if one is fortunate enough for it to happen!
    Merry Christmas Neil, and may the Spirit of the Living God continue to smile upon, envelope and care for you, now and in the New Year. I ask this in the name of Jesus.

  3. Two clues I’m getting up there:
    1. Little Halos around oncoming headlights at night
    2. I accept a hand to assist or steady me to get off a boat, or step down from an unsteady small height— I never wanted help before…

  4. I no longer get carded when I ask for the Senior Discount. In fact, several times recently the discount has been applied without my requesting it!

  5. Getting old is so much better than the alternative. Thank you for the blog, Neil. We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year for 2024.

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