Who gets their feet massaged? Apparently, many people do. Otherwise, how do you explain the existence of so many storefronts…
The other day I was shocked to discover that a close friend of my son and daughter-in-law has never been…
You can’t go to Costa Rica and not be instantly aware of the stunning environment. Two oceans, pristine beaches, numerous…
I am spending a week in Costa Rica to celebrate spring break from school with some of my delightful grandchildren.…
I had two nicknames in school. One was sunshine. The other was penalty. Today I am going to talk about…
A penalty in ice hockey is a punishment for an infringement of the rules. Penalties are a part of hockey. The physicality…
When we have infants or toddlers with us – perhaps our kids or our grandkids – and we enter a…
The other night I had the opportunity to meet and hear from Sean Penn. Full disclosure, I was not alone…
Recently I had the opportunity to, once again, see the theater production of the musical Cabaret. I went for a…
Of course, there is often more to the story. And the story that I communicated just a couple of days…
When was the last time you had a shoeshine at a shoeshine stand? I am talking about an honest to…
When was the last time you had a real, honest to goodness cinnamon roll? Some of us dream about having…
I have been fortunate to have traveled to 62 countries throughout the world. However, I have never been to Bhutan.…
I had the opportunity to be in Denver Colorado two weeks ago. What a great city, what a great metropolitan…
When you hear “Bourbon Street” what do you think of? what images come to mind? Bourbon Street is an historic,…
The old saw is true, that you don’t tend to spend enough time and attention on the things and those…
La Piedra (The Rock) stands out in the countryside of Colombia, a two hour drive from Medellin. Near the small…
Just spent the last four days in Medellin in the country of Colombia. What is the first thing that pops…
Let me alert everyone, if you are not already apprised, of the current and potentially worsening crisis facing the Panama…
As I write this, I am on a vessel going through the Panama Canal. What an experience! It has been…
When was the last time you got in an elevator and went to push the button for the floor that…
It has been 50 years since I spent three months living and working in Panama. In the early 1970’s I…
It is one thing to pay for a bottle of water in the supermarket, or at an airport, or in…
I am assuming that we have all experienced at some point in our education — at some level, in some…
Every once in a while, I am struck by something that reminds me that I am getting old. Now… to…
Do you regift? I do not think I have ever regifted. I may have, but I can’t remember when I…
Exactly 60 years ago I traveled to the Gaza Strip. In 1963 I spent the summer in Egypt as a…
I have been saying Ummm Boy, Almond Joy for years. I say it with real emotion. Like I really mean…
A couple of days ago I was driving to Las Vegas from Southern California in my 2007 Jeep Liberty, which,…
Have you ever had a date shake? It is milk shake with up to a half cup or more of…
Every fall I try to find a way to make sure that I travel to New England to see the…
The other day I had a good friend call me to tell me that he had been ghosted. I said…
I don’t own an umbrella – the hand-held, folding umbrella. To be honest, I kind of see an umbrella as…
Recently when I was in Tampa Florida at a Marriott hotel, I had an experience that shocked me. I went…
Have you seen the movie The Help? If you have not, see it. Based on the 2009 historical fiction book…
Whenever I spend time in the South I am struck by Southern manners. It is so gracious. And it is…
I became exposed to beignets during my recent trip to New Orleans Louisiana and Jackson Mississippi. Believe it or not,…
Charles R. “Charlie” Morris Charlie was so special. He was so special to me. When I think about mentors in…
Something happened to me recently that just shook me. In fact, it shocked me. I got up at 4am to…
We all have metaphorical mountaintops that we want to climb. But to actually summit a real mountaintop is another matter.…
I love peaches. I do so for two reasons. One, my sister Judy has been called Peaches for more than…
What ever happened to finger bowls? Finger bowl — a bowl of water that dinner guests use to rinse their…
Do you want to live to be 100? Assuming that I have all my faculties and my health, I sure…
A heat wave in Seattle Washington is three days in a row when the temperature gets over 85 degrees. Yes,…
I have about had it. What has happened in this world? People don’t return phone calls anymore. Am I the…
Where are the great hotel lobbies? Immediately I think of the Peninsula Hotel in Manila in the Philippines. What a…
When you think about all the airline flights that you have taken in your life, did you ever have a…
I not only did not attend church this past Sunday, but I have come to realize that I missed the…
Ben Johns is the best male player. Anna Leigh Waters is the best female player. Today I had the opportunity…
Whatever happened to postcards? My childhood friend Clipper and his wife Ellie are leaving next week for what appears to…