My Life in Cotton: The Quilt of Me

I don’t wear t-shirts much anymore. At this stage of life, I lean toward button-downs and sweaters—clothes that feel more fitting for the person I’ve become. But tucked away in drawers, closets, and bins were dozens of t-shirts that once meant something. Shirts from races I ran. Places I visited. Causes I supported. Events I’ll never forget.

They weren’t just cotton—they were chapters. Each one held a memory, a version of me I didn’t want to forget. But what do you do with things that mean something to you, even if they no longer serve their original purpose?

I decided to do a full inventory. I sorted my collection into three stacks:

  1. Throw away.
  2. Give to Goodwill.
  3. Keep

The “keep” pile was made up of shirts that had earned their stay—not because I’d wear them again, but because they held a story. Still, I knew they would sit in a drawer, unseen. So I asked myself: What if I could keep the memories, but in a new form?

That’s when the idea came: a quilt. A hand-sewn, deeply personal quilt, made entirely from those saved t-shirts. Each square is a window into a moment—a snapshot in cloth. Now, instead of hiding in the back of a drawer, those memories keep me warm on the couch when I settle in for a nap or flip on the TV.

It’s more than a blanket. It’s a comforter in the truest sense—not just soft and warm, but emotionally comforting. Because when I look at it, I see myself: my younger selves, my dreaming, striving, laughing selves. It’s part scrapbook, part collage, part love letter to the life I’ve lived.

It turns out I’m not the first to do this. The idea of a “memory quilt” has deep roots in American history—people have long used scraps of old clothing to preserve stories and honor loved ones. But t-shirt quilts are a more modern variation, born out of the way tee shirts have become our cultural keepsakes—worn tokens of who we were, where we’ve been, and what we’ve cared about. This quilt of mine is part of that tradition, stitched from the fabric of memory, identity, and time.

There are 24 shirts stitched into the quilt, and each one holds something sacred. A few of them:

  • Being a Dad: “World’s Best Dad” and a shirt that shows me with my daughter in front of Machu Picchu, my favorite place in the world—a place I’ve been to three times.

  • Shared adventures: Shirts from climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro and one that says “Survivor” after my kids and I were swept away by a rogue wave on the southern coast of Vancouver Island.

  • School pride: A shirt from Williams College, where I studied and played varsity hockey—experiences that still shape who I am.
  • Places that ground me: Shirts from Chappaquiddick Island on Martha’s Vineyard and Stuart, Florida—both places layered with family memories and history.

  • Being a grandfather: “Best Gramps Ever,” “Only the Best Dads Get Promoted to Grampa,” and one with the tiny footprints of a one-year-old grandchild.

  • Dancing through life: Shirts from “Dancing with the Stars” with famous partners, “The Dream Team,” “Wherever Neil Leads,” and “So You Think You Can Dance.”
  • Work and play: A shirt from my entrepreneurial days with Flexcar (now Zipcar), and others that just made me laugh: “Real Men Don’t Read Instructions,” and “It Took Me 10 Years to Look This Good.”
  • Travel: Australia, the Philippines (complete with jeepneys), the Bahamas—places I explored with my children and my two best childhood friends and their families.

Each patch is a touchstone. Some make me smile. Some take my breath away. All remind me of who I’ve been, what I’ve loved, and how I’ve spent my days on this earth.

And here’s what I’ve come to believe: this quilt isn’t just about repurposing old shirts. It’s about honoring the lives we’ve already lived, even as we live new ones. It’s a quiet act of remembering, of integrating the past into the present. Of making peace with who we were and finding a way to let those versions of ourselves rest beside us, rather than fade away.

I’ve thought about giving it a name—something to match its meaning. Maybe:

  • The Memory Quilt
  • The Cotton Chronicle
  • The Patchwork of Me
  • The Comforter of Who I’ve Been
  • The Thread of My Life

Or maybe it doesn’t need a name. Maybe its purpose is enough. To be used, appreciated, and wrapped around me—like the stories it tells.

7 thoughts on “My Life in Cotton: The Quilt of Me”

  1. My wife Sandy is a marvelous quilter. She will enjoy this piece. Designing, piecing together and then assembling the various parts with the quilting stitch also adds to one’s mental health. Quilting was and remains a big part of her therapy and healing as a cancer survivor. Thank you for suggesting the different ways you can use a quilt in one’s life journey.

  2. Great way to keep those wonderful memories alive Neil. I’m glad you thought to have the guilt made for you and your children.

  3. How about
    “Patchwork Peterson”
    “Patchy McPatchface”
    “Guilt Quilt”
    “Sew What”
    “Come For Ter”
    ‘Neil’s Duvet”

  4. A very clever way to preserve your precious memories, Neil. And also make closet room. You have lived an extraordinary life, that most people would only dream of, and you deserve such a quilt. You are not the “man about town”, you are the man “around the world”,
    How did you choose the fav’s. You need a double-sided one, with looking at that stack.
    I need to hear about the “Dancing with the Stars” one. My memory fades on that one, But the best one is “World’s Best Dad”-such a compliment from your kids. That is the most precious.
    Continue on this exciting path. You’re not done yet.

  5. Ive been looking for my old Harvard Strike shirt with the big red fist. A guy in the class behind me had his picture wearing it on the cover of Life magazine.

    Chuck Schumer. Harvard ‘71. I wonder if he still has it.

    Ps thought his vote was totally correct. But that’s for another blog.

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